How to Get Your Kids to Do Their Chores
At one time, assigning chores to children was a no-no. However, those times have changed. Nowadays it is important that you assign your children chores at a young age because this helps them to learn responsibility. By doing chores on a daily or weekly basis, they will have a glimpse into what to expect when they are grown up. Here are some tips that will help you to get your children to do their chores.
1. Assign an Allowance– Getting your child to do any type of chore other than schoolwork may seem to be a chore in itself. However, dangling the proverbial carrot in front of their nose might put a better spin onto how they participate. In other words, assign an allowance for a certain amount of chores on a weekly basis. If they should fail to do some of these chores, deduct some of their allowance.
2. Have a Special Treat Night– Another way that you can reward the children is by having a special treat night. If all the chores have been completed for the week, treat them to a movie night at home or even a game rental. This will help to motivate them into helping more around the house.
3. Take Away Some of Their Pleasures– If your child does not participate in any chores around the house, you can take away some of their time allowed on certain pleasures. Reduce their computer or video gaming time. You might hear them moan and groan for a bit, but explain to them that they need to take responsibility in doing some chores around the house as they are part of the family group.
Although kids would like to spend all of their time watching television, playing on the computer, or playing video games, you as a parent need to have patience and perseverance where chores are concerned. They might not think too much of the chores when they are young, and even be resentful, when they are adults, they will thank you for it.
Comments & Reviews
carolyn says
Not allowed to do chores- As long as I have known life- I had chores- My mother told me when I was two/three-I had to pick up my records-(my dad had gotten me a tiny record player and I used it all the time) if I did not pick them up -She would not allow me to use. I learned very quickly to pick up my stuff. As a parent – I worked more than a 40 hour work week- On Saturday I would turn up the stereo and blast music- My children had 1/2 hour to reclaim anything left where it did not belong- Then it would go quiet- I would pick everything and place in garbage bags to be put in the attic-lost for a week – my son picked up his stuff almost all the time- my daughter was not so tidy- at one time I had 3 bags in attic and told my husband she had too much stuff. We ended up weeding out alot of things that were just clutter but also helped her realize there were things she would miss!