This year has been a crazy year in our house when it comes to pets. We have learned a lot and found a few amazing cat products that we no longer can live with out. Seriously anyone who has cats needs to make sure they have these Feliway cat products items on hand!
We had a long rough road with Tucker being sick and then he made his journey over the rainbow bridge. This caused a lot uneasiness in the house with Jazmin and Tiger. While he was sick they were stressed and you could totally see it in them daily. Thankfully we found a solution to help cat stress that worked really well for us. However that also led to Jazmin and Tiger taking their stress out on the side of my couch. We got the two of them a scratching pole and it didn’t interest them at first. However we found the solution to stop cats from scratching furniture, that not only saved the side of my couch but also my sanity. With out these things I am pretty sure that there would have been more craziness in our house.
Now I am sure you are wondering what Feliway cat products we have fallen in love with this year. Of course I am going to tell you because I want you all to have calm and happy pets just like we do. Even in the times of crazy stressful events.
Feliway Cat Products You Must Have In Your Home

The Feliway Multicat Diffuser is now a permanent thing in our home. I have found that with multiple cats that this helps greatly with the tension. When they were all under stress I could see a noticeable difference in their attitudes when the diffuser ran out. With in just a few minutes of putting a refill in, they were back to happy kitties. Grab it here on Amazon
The Feliway Wipes are now in our routine for whenever we need to take any of the cats to the vet. Tucker was never a fan of car rides, he would cry and whine the whole ride anytime he was in the car. This did not stop when he was sick either until I tried the Feliway wipes with him. Simple to use, I just wiped the sides of the carrier with them and then put him in it. He still whined a little but nothing like previous times through out his life. I really wish I had heard of them sooner because it would have made the previous 11 years of vet visit car rides a whole lot better! Grab it here on Amazon
The Feliscratch by Feliway is AMAZING! Seriously if there is only one product you must pick from this line to try out this is it! The stress level for Jazmin and Tiger while Tucker was sick and then after he passed was more than I anticipated. It led to some misbehavior in the other two that included my couch being the target of their scratching. I was at the end of my rope with it until Feliway shared with me about the new Feliscratch. I did not expect it to be immediate, that the cats stopped scratching my couch, but it was!
While I only mentioned three Feliway products, there are quite a few more in the line up that we have been using as well. However these three are ones we have now added to our home as must have items! I am glad we took the time to try some new things out with the cats this year, it sure did make a difference for them and our house.
Disclaimer: This post is sponsored by Feliway. All opinions are 100% my own.
Comments & Reviews
Maria Schieltz says
I need this we rescude a kitten in Aug and between our cat and kitten they are scratching all the chairs.Yikes!
Stephanie says
Ohh no you better hurry fast before all your chairs are a mess.
Celeste says
Great info. I def need to look into these because my cat has tore up all corners of my bed.☹️
Stephanie says
They are great!
carrie narvaiz says
As i read this the obnoxious lady is parking herself butt first in the middle of my ipad
Stephanie says
Duh you were not paying attention to the right thing lmao