Saving money is something many of us need to do and want to do. Sometimes we save because we need to stretch our dollars. Whatever your reason for wanting to save money, this list of 78 Easy Ways to Save Money will for sure help you.

Easy Ways to Save Money
I like saving money. I work hard for my money and I want to make the most of it. I like to travel and I like to do fun things and if I wasn’t cautious with how I spend then the things I like to do wouldn’t not be possible.
Sometimes we save because we have a purchase goal we want to make. Sometimes we save money because we want to be financially smart without money. Sometimes we save money because we want to do things we couldn’t do if we don’t save money.
General Savings Tips
Budgeting. Having a budget and sticking to it will save you money because you know where your money is going. Be sure to check out Things that are forgotten when making a budget that will make sure you have everything covered that you need to when making a budget.
Pay with cash. It is easy to just swipe a card but if you have cash then all you can spend is what you have.
Shop around. Check out different places before buying to see where has the best price.
Track your spending. You will realize that sometimes you are spending more than you realized.
Put money into savings first. Always put money into your savings first before you budget for bills and expenses.Even if it is only a small amount building a savings account is important.
Drive your car until its end. Instead of always having a car payment once you have paid it off use it as long as you can and get your money out of it. Yes, you will need to have money for repairs but repairs are much less than constantly having car payment.
Go through bills. Going over bills like cable and internet and seeing what fees are can many times save you quite a bit of money. Sometimes there can be hidden fees that are overlooked. If you find them call the company and ask what they are if it is not something you put on the bill have them take it off.
Use a bank that rewards you. Instead of just spending your money get rewards for baking and use a bank that has a rewards program with your debit card. You earn points when you pay your bills which you can cash in for gift cards and other things.
Buy quality products. Instead of buying the cheapest blender you can find that will not last long invest in one that will last you a long time.
Saving money on Kids Stuff
Buy convertible car seats. Instead of the infant car seat and then the convertible, you will only have to buy 1 seat for your child instead of 2.
Pass down clothing. If you know you will have more children save the clothes from the first one. If you are having your first child see if friends are getting rid of baby clothing before buying any. When they are babies the clothing doesn’t really get dirty and they outgrow it quickly.
Buy Used Out Door toys. Out door toys can stand up to a lot of use, no need buying new when it is just going to get played with and dirty outside.
Don’t buy more than what you need. This is especially with new babies it is easy to get caught up in the hundreds of cute outfits, most of which will only be worn once or twice.
Breastfeed. I know it is not for everyone but it is much cheaper then using formula. Formula is expensive even when you get coupons. If you are using formula reach out to the formula companies and ask them for coupons to help you save money.
Use cloth diaper. You will put out more money up front and do a load or 2 more of laundry but will save a lot money over using disposable diapers. If you are not wanting to use cloth when going out use cloth when at home and disposable for when out.
Rotate clothing with friends. If you and your friends have kids close in age and they are a season or 2 ahead or behind your children share the clothes.
Make your own baby food. It is super easy to make your own baby food, plus it is much cheaper. The other benefit is that you are only having ingredients you put in it.
Free activities. Go to the Free weekend activities at places like Home Depot and Lowes as a fun saturday morning activity.
Make shorts out of pants. If kids grow to tall for their pants and the waist still fits, cut them and hem them into shorts.
Extend the life of clothing. Skirts that are to short can still be worn by wearing legging under them. Skirts that are to short can be made into longer skirts by adding fabric or lace to the bottom.
Homemade Cards. Have them make cards for their siblings for birthdays and holidays.
Go to Kids Eat Free places. If you are dining out look for a place that kids eat free.
Trade babysitting with friends. Instead of paying a sitter trade off with other friends so you can each have date night.
Save Money Dining Out and Going Out
Go Out for lunch instead of dinner. When dining out the lunch menu is almost always cheaper for the same amount of food.
Skip the appetizer. When dining out, they are the most expensive item for what you get.
Bring Snacks. When going to an amusement park pack your lunch in a cooler and go back to your car for lunch, food in amusement parks is very expensive.
Drink Water. Have water to drink instead of Soda, most places water is free.
Buy Discounted gift cards. If you know you are going to be eating out or like to eat out grab discounted gift cards at the grocery store, many times they have triple points or money off your next order when you buy gift cards during select times. You can also grab discounted gift cards online. My favorite place for discounted restaurant gift cards is
Save Money When Shopping
Buy clothing for the next season at the end of one season. For example, buy next year’s summer clothes at the end of the summer.
Shop at thrift stores. You can find great prices on things at thrift stores, you can also use facebook market place and find great deals on furniture and other household items people are getting rid of.
Shop at yard sales during the summer. You can find great deals on outdoor toys like Step 2 and Little tikes stuff at Yardsales.
How to Save Money on Groceries with out Coupons
Buy in bulk. Shopping at places like BJ’s and Sam’s Club the price per item is normally cheaper that way, but not always so pay attention to prices.
Eat before you go food shopping. food shopping when you are hungry will make you buy things only because you are hungry not because you actually need them.
Save on produce. There are lots of ways to save money on produce. Shop your local farmer’s market for produce. Going to U pick farms and pick your own veggies is another great way to save money. Be sure to check out our full post on how to save money on produce.
Don’t be brand specific. If a different brand then you normally use is cheaper buy that one instead.
Plan your shopping. Plan what stores you are going to and go in a circle instead of back and forth you will save money on gas.
Grow your own veggies. You can use hanging pots for this instead of having a garden and it is a great activity to involve kids in.
Don’t buy bottled water. Instead get a good quality water bottle and fill it with water. If you do not like your water get a filter.
Buy a deep freezer. Saves money when you can buy meat in bulk at a great price.
How to Save Money at Home
Don’t cook more then your family will eat. If your family does not like to eat left overs and things get thrown out only make what you will eat.
Eat left overs for lunch. Make a bit more at dinner the night before and eat them or bring them to work with you for lunch.
Make fancy meals at home instead of eating out. Steak at the store is much much cheaper then at a restaurant and you can make it taste just as good if not better at home.
Bundle your services. TV, internet and phone are much cheaper when you use 1 company instead of using different ones.
Ask for a cheaper rate. When dealing with companies like the cable company tell them you want a cheaper rate and if not you are able to find it else where, they will give you a cheaper rate.
Use reusable containers. When storing leftovers or packing lunches use a reusable containers instead of sandwich bags and plastic wrap.
Pack your lunch. Instead of buying lunch pack and bring it to work with you.
Bring coffee with you. Cut back on going to get your coffee from places like Starbucks and Duncan Donuts, instead of going everyday go once a week and the rest of the week make it at home.
Buy Magazine and Newspaper subscriptions. Instead of buying them each month at the store, not only will the price of the magazine be much cheaper, but you will save yourself the money for gas going to the store.
Work out at home. Buying exercise videos or taking a walk around the block is a lot cheaper than getting a gym membership. Walks can also be a fun family activity.
Unplug appliances when you are not using them. This will cut back costs on your electric bill.
Don’t pay for more than what you use. If you only use a few channels then don’t pay for the higher-priced cable package.
Raise your car insurance deductible. You will save on your monthly bill but make sure to have the amount of your deductible in a savings account in case you need it.
Make old furniture new. Refinish furniture like dressers instead of buying new. If you have a painted dresser you can easily remove the paint sand it and repaint it.
Declutter your house. You will probably find things that you did not know you had that you can use or that you have bought multiples of things. Knowing what you have saves you from buying it again.
Keep up with car maintenance. Check the fluids and tires on your car regularly and keep up with maintenance, this will save you in the long run by causing issues to your vehicle that could have been prevented.
Buy gifts on sale. When you see things that you know would be a gift for a person on clearance buy them and save them. I do this with lots of Christmas presents and have a stockpile of toys for Birthday parties.
Turn your heat down. If you are chilly put on a sweatshirt this will save money on heating costs. Also at night add an extra blanket or two to your bed.
Skip paper towels. Use washcloths or hand towels instead of paper towels to clean with designated ones just for it so you are not using them for bathing as well. Keep a kitchen towel in the Kitchen to dry your hands during the day instead of using paper towels.
Use curtains. In the winter they keep heat in and in the summer they keep heat out, close the curtain on the windows on the sunny side of the house.
Take your own photos. Buy an SDLR Camera and teach yourself how to use it instead of going to a studio to get your pictures done of your kids. However phone cameras have come a long way and there are tons of videos on youtube that you can watch to learn photo skills.
Pay your bills online. Not only is it quicker but you will save yourself the cost of the stamp and the cost of checks.
Plan your meals. There is a less chance of not knowing what to make and getting take out when you have a plan.
Hang your towels up after your shower. Then use them a few days in a row. Save money from washing them each day and you are clean when you get out of the shower so a towel doesn’t ever really get dirty. It is also important to keep the towels clean, so make sure you are cleaning your towels well.
Stretch your hair cut. Even by just a week, most people won’t notice much of a difference and you will save yourself a ton of money.
Keep a pair of “work/play shoes” and a pair of nice sneaker. This way the nice ones stay nice and the play ones can get as dirty as they want to and you do not have to keep replacing your good ones.
Plan for holidays. Last minute shopping for special occasions will cost you a lot more.
Go to Cosmetology schools to get your hair done. Yes they are students but they are carefully watched and you can save a lot of money going to them instead of a salon.
Save on utilities with your company. If you work for a corporation, see if they have contracts with them and you can get a discount on your monthly bill. For example, a friend of mine works at CVS and gets 20% off her Verizon Wireless bill just for working at CVS.
Dental schools for teeth cleanings. For teeth cleaning check in your area for a dental school. There is not much they can mess up when brushing your teeth and it is sure to be a lot cheaper then a dental visit.
Easy Ways to Save on your Electric Bill
Turn the lights off in rooms when you are not in them.
Cook with your crockpot instead of your oven.
Run your washer and dryer and dishwasher at night, the cost of electric is lower on off peak hours.
Open the windows and turn out the lights during the day.
Only run the washer, and dishwasher when they are full.
Turn off appliances like TVs when no one is watching them.
Unplug appliances when they are not in use.
Only run the washer, and dishwasher when they are full.
Change your light bulbs to LED lights.
Save Money Making things yours self.
There are many items you can make yourself that will save a lot of money. There are many items I make myself because it is so much cheaper and saves me a lot. Be sure to check out Things to Stop buying and make yourself.
More Money Savings Tips to check out
- How To Make A Kid Safe All-Purpose Cleaner
- How To Clean Your Dish Washer
- How To Remove Smells From Towels
- How to Stop living above your Means
- How to Save Money Buying Used Books
- How to Save Money on School Supplies
Comments & Reviews
Plain Graces says
A lot of great advice! We also do meatless meals once or twice a week.
stephanie says
I use pretty wash cloths as napkins they are more absorbent and saves having to pay the high price for napkins
Paige Watson says
It’s great to hear your story, your principles, and how it was a struggle in the beginning. I think frugality can be first nature, but maybe extreme frugality can only be second nature for those of us steeped in our culture as you described it. Good work on getting free and inexpensive second-hand baby stuff–it’s the way to go, and we’d expect nothing less