If you would like a product review or guide feature done by MidgetMomma.com please e-mail us at lauren at midgetmomma dot com
All Products sent to use for review or gift guide inclusions will not be returned.
Product Reviews
- Product sent to review must be a full sized product so that an adequate review can be completed.
- Product being reviewed must be sent to us free of charge (product and shipping charges are your responsibility)
- Product Reviews will be posted between 3-8 weeks of us receiving the product bearing that there are no issues with the product, The exception to this is an event hosted by us that previous arrangements have been made about the posting of the review or a personal emergency by either party.
- Reviews include 1 link to your website.
- Reviews will be 100% our own opinions and thoughts on your products. We do not guarantee that we will like your product.
- A product sent does not guarantee a product review posted to the site.
- We do not guarantee a positive review and negative reviews will be posted. It is our responsibility to share 100% accurate and honest opinions with our readers and will do so.
- Sending a product to us with our prior agreement of review will not get you a review- the item will be kept or donated.
- If the item sent is the wrong item, not the one we agreed on, broken, damaged, wrong size, color ect the review will not be done. I will contact you and you have the option to resend the correct item. All shipping and returns are to be covered by you.
- When linking to a product we will use our affiliate links to show our readers where they can purchase your items.
Reviews of books, iphone apps, ipad apps, and other various products do have a product fee. This fee is not for our opinions but for covering our time to review them.
- Any giveaway prize must be full sized
- The sponsor is responsible for shipping the prize to the winner.
Sponsored Posts
- We will gladly write a sponsored post for you please contact us for our fees and our campaign ideas.
This blog complies with FTC blogger guidelines. We will gladly provide you our stats upon your request.
By contacting us or working with us you are agreeing to these policies. You also agree that you will not share our personal mailing information with other companies or blogges with out our permission.